Milan Rúfus

Presenterad av Nadja Hammarberg

rufus När jag närmare skulle introducera Milan Rúfus för er, ville jag hitta på en mening som i korthet skulle karakterisera honom. En mening som skulle träffa mitt i prick. Det blev då - Milan Rúfus- den levande giganten, eller den levande ikonen inom den slovakiska poesin. Det låter kanske pretentiöst, men det är sant. Allt detta kan man påstå om den tillbakadragne och anspråkslöse diktaren.

Under hans strävsamma liv har han gett ut ett tretiotal diktsamlingar - aldrig har han skrivit en dålig dikt - han översatte en mängd kända dikter ur världslitteraturen, skrev essäer och åtskilliga litteraturvetenskapliga artiklar. Det mesta han har skrivit kom ut först efter 1989, han kunde nämligen inte publicera under den djupaste totalitära tiden.

Den 10 december 2008 fyllde Milan Rúfus 80 år. Han lever med sin familj i Bratislava. Familjen består av honom själv, hans hustru Magda och ett barn som heter Zuzana och som mentalt är på en sexårings nivå, fast hennes hår redan har börjat gråna. Ett barn för livet som Milan Rúfus uttrycker det.

Senare på den här webbsidan presenteras några dikter ur Pamätnicek - Poesiboken till minne, som jag översatt till svenska. Dikterna vänder sig både till vuxna och barn. De är inte typiska Rúfus skapelser utan snarare skiljer de sig från hans övriga författarskap. De uttrycker på ett mycket gripande sätt en pappas kärlek till sitt barn, i det här fallet till en förståndshandikappad flicka. Jag har upplevt Milan Rúfus sätt att umgås med Zuzana, att visa henne kärlek och nästan oändliga tålamod. Han ägnar henne all sin lediga tid. I boken Pamätnícek som de skapat tillsammans, har Milan med sina dikter upphöjt dotterns teckningar till att framståsom konst.

Ur Milan Rúfus övriga författarskap skall vi presentera några dikter som har översatts av Östen Sjöstrand.

Trevlig läsning.

Och Milan Rúfus - med egna ord:

På vägen

Vem av oss känner till Diktens dolda liv? Dess fundament är nämligen övertäckt av mysteriet. Benämningen är inte diktens definition, utan bara något sorts namn på en post i kulturens inventarieförteckning.

För rättvisans skull måste följande sägas: Hemligheten som döljer dikten för oss, räddar dess liv. Om dikten förblir gåtfull bevaras den som dikt och på samma sätt bevaras skapandet som skapande. För om gåtfullheten skulle försvinna, förändras processen till en tillverkning.

Samma sak gäller för benämningen på inventarieposten "Liv". Det som står bakom postens benämning är en jätte stor Obekant. Allt inom mig som fortfarande är kapabelt att ana, viskar till mig att livet kan levas blott i det oförutsägbara. Naturen i människan släpper henne inte längre. Att lyfta sig till gudarna är hon "av naturen" för tung. I hennes förhållande till det som vi för ordningens skull kallar för livet, gäller en aluzi, ett välkänt sällskapligt talesätt -Dit förnuftet inte når, sänder det en metafor.

Och just metaforen brukade vara Noaks ark för mig under min femtioåriga seglats mellan dessa två hemligheter. Arbetsmässigt fick den olika skepnader. Från en essä eller recension till ett hälsningsbrev. Tro mig eller inte men alla dessa skepnader strävade efter att bli metaforen "Om diktens dolda liv". Och också om det, som jag inte kan kalla något annat än Skaparens kolossala dikt, med dess medborgerliga namn: Liv. Detta trots alla mina reservationer mot Skaparen.

Om ni tycker att jag dricker mitt vin ur ett för komplicerat kärl - nämligen livets och diktens dubbelkärl - är ni inte långt ifrån sanningen.

Översättning : Nadja Hammarberg


rufus byst

Za Milanom Rúfusom

Pán Rúfus sa bohužial v januári zo staromestskej nemocnice domov nevrátil. Január je mrazivým a tmavým mesiacom roka ale svetlo sa pomaličky začína vracať a tým aj nádej, napríklad na uzdravenie. Ešte 6. januára som pevne dúfala že sa tak stane. Na Troch kráľov, v deň Zuzkiných narodenín, mali Rúfusovci každoročne "Dom otvorených dverí". Tohto roku sme našli dvere zamknuté. Pani Remika, umelecká šperkárka a susedka, ktorá každý rok prekrásne zdobila Zuzke tortu, nám oznámila že pán Rúfus je vážne chorý. Magda a Zuzka boli u neho v nemocnici, tak ako každé popoludnie.

Smutné prekvapenie, nič iné nezostávalo iba dúfať že sa mu polepší. Na jar sa cítil veľmi dobre, svedčia o tom aj fotografie ktoré prikladám. Posledné dva roky sa začal častejšie objavovať na verejnosti a široká verejnosť sa tešila. My, členovia Kultúrnej spoločnosti priateľov Milana Rúfusa, (Kultursällskapet Milan Rúfus vänner) sme dúfali že sa bude môcť zúčastniť svojích ponarodeninových osláv. Plánovali sme prepojiť Štokholm a Bratislavu telemostom a elektronicky, jeho básňami, dozvučit 80:tku. Chceli sme ho tiež pozvať na Dni zahraničných Slovákov, ktoré sú z veľkej časti venované rúfusovskej poézii po švédsky, slovensky a anglicky.

Bohužial sa tak nestane, ráno 11. januára 2009 sme sa dozvedeli že nás navždy opustil.

Navždy sa rozlúčiť s veľkým básnikom a blízkym človekom je príliš smutné a tažké, napriek tomu je to súčasťou života. Milovaný básnik zostáva navždy milovaným básnikom.

Ponarodeninovú spomienku s tradičnou kapustnicou budeme musieť premenovať jednoducho na Spomienku alebo možno na Predmodlidbu do večnosti. Krásnych spomienok na pána Rúfusa a na jeho celoživotné dielo je primnoho. budeme si ich s láskou chrániť a uchovávať. A ked si otvoríte okno do zimnej noci uvidite že na oblohe sa zaskvela dalšia večná hviezda.

Za všetkých členov Spoločnosti priateľov Milana Rúfusa a ostatných obdivovateľov jeho poézie chcem kondolovať Magduške a Zuzke a slúbiť im že slovenskú kultúru budeme nadalej zviditeľňovať a šíriť pod jeho menom.

V Štokholme 12. januára 2009
Nada Hammarberg - Krišteková


Poem is a Unification of Man with the Secret

Interview with Milan Rúfus, by Dana Podracká

MILAN RÚFUS (born in 1928), poet, essayist, author of children's books, translator. The work of Milan Rúfus is one of the most expressive poetic phenomena in Slovak literature. It has achieved a unique unity of life and poetry. Rúfus tries to change the indifferent world to a world of humanity. He is a poet of unusual strenght who never accepted the regime of the communist totality. In his poetry and essays, he has reflected first of all the moral crisis of today's man against the background of the crisis in today's civilization.

DANA PODRACKÁ: Your collection of poems Fidelity (Vernosť) came out last year. You have my respect. "One who is unfaithful in small matters, will also be unfaithful in the great ones". / Lk 16,10 / We encounter infidelity in great matters quite often; in politics and in relationships. Infidelity in small matters, however, is not so important to us. What are the smallest kinds of infidelity that actually count?

MILAN RÚFUS: I think it will be best if we start with - coming back; to the quote from Vladimir Holan - the quote which served as a base in my understanding of fidelity. "And even though at times I had visions without revelations, I was so faithful that I became a witness." Holan defines poem as a kind of revelation in this passage. I can only attest to that. He comes to know art through intuition. A poem made solely from words reminds me of Potiphar's Wife who was left only with Joseph's cape - Joseph himself, escaped her. Holan admits that he, too, sometimes created poetry only as an act of will. But he was so faithful to his desire for the secret that in the end he, at least, became its witness. And this is also a way to write a good poem. This Holan-esque passage surprised me in a strange way. As if the cause and consequence is the language of God's righteousness, for instance.

DANA PODRACKÁ: Let's go back to Fidelity (Vernosť). Three times Holan and the Bible once - as a motto. Do you have your own dark nights with Holan as he had with Hamlet?

MILAN RÚFUS: How did I come into contact with Holan and Czech poetry altogether? Sometimes even the ugliest hen lays a beautiful egg. I finished my studies at the Department of the Slovak language in 1952. Those were the peaking years of Stalinism. I was offered an assistants position in this department and I accepted it. However they made me secretary of the department. It was as it had been in guilds, when the youngest apprentice had to help the master's wife wash diapers. Bureaucracy was the master at that time. Memo after memo. Plans were being set for the semester, for the year, for five years, even ten. I was desperate. Then I was saved by an offer of a two-year research stay for the study of Czech literature from the Ministry of Education. I took it immediately. I concentrated on Czech poetry which has always been better than their prose. That was it. And since I was born in the community of Lutherans in Northern Slovakia in times when they used the Bible of Kralice at mass, I was quite familiar with the language. Twice a year I was entitled to a study stay in Prague. If Hemingway had called his stays in Paris a moveable feast then Prague was such a feast for me. Failing to notice Holan was like failing to notice Mt. Gerlach in the High Tatras. But I never had the courage to stop by Kampa and ring his doorbell. I have never seen him in person but I can still sense him. There is also something else that links our lives. I have my Zuzanka and he had his Kateiina - a daughter with Down's Syndrome. She lived for twenty-four years. This, too, is a part of my Holan-esque Fidelity.

DANA PODRACKÁ: I love this part from Holan: "I lived for man and his drama. There where a dual being is waiting and alone. " In post-modernism, the opinion that a poet is a multiple personality, started to appear. Is it so?

MILAN RÚFUS: A poet encompasses all human beings. Good and bad. Sometimes they bring him joy, sometimes sorrow, love or hatred. And within himself the poet has to pay for this hatred.

DANA PODRACKÁ: Does not the fact that NietZsche's prophecy: God is dead, is starting to ful?ll, sadden you?

MILAN RÚFUS: I have always thought Nietzsche to be a bit harsh and it seems as if he took pleasure in this harshness. History was my minor in college. I was intrigued by the characteristics of poet had said it for and to me. I accepted the principle of fidelity not only in connection with poetry but also in life. It has one ?aw, though: fidelity to mistakes and the consequent fanaticism.
DANA PODRACKÁ: I consider you to be a mystic. What about you? Do you feel you the mystic inside you?

MILAN RÚFUS: I am a human being. In a very interesting book Denatured Animals, the French writer Vercors regards man's need for myth to be the essential characteristic that separates humans from animals. And, again, I am a human being.

DANA PODRACKÁ: I read St. John of the Cross again, not so long ago. When reading certain parts I thought of you. I thought of your spiritual song, your climb on Mt. Carmel, your dark night, and your live fire of love. Saints resemble each other in their union with God. Is poem a sign of this union?

MILAN RÚFUS: Poem is a unification of man with the Secret and it calls this Secret different names. One of them is God. DANA PODRACKÁ: You say: to be simple. Does not God, himself, use the words of simplicity and place them into a soul pure enough to accept them?

MILAN RÚFUS: God's words are simple and effective. It is a language without words. The inviolability of the link between societies in times when history decided to send them to the junkyard. The loss of myth was the first syndrome of their upcoming departure. And then there was the related hypertrophy of sex.

DANA PODRACKÁ: It is said that God loved the Jews the most because, out of all the nations, they felt His presence the most. It is an attribute of a mystic experience. Do you feel God's presence sometimes? Like Pascal in his Night of Fire.

MILAN RÚFUS: I talk to Him as if He was my neighbor, Not just thank you and be praised. God is not conceited, wallowing in pleasure when praised. There are so many controversial things on Earth that it seems that they are its essence. And so I say to Him: "Did it have to be? Couldn't it be any other way, Lord?"

DANA PODRACKÁ: What is your view on the new role of woman in the society?

MILAN RÚFUS: The patulent tree of Christianity planted into the Judaic base has its roots in the soil of the Near East and it has accepted its traditions in this matter. -Taceat mulier in ecclesia. Let the woman be quiet in an assembly.- I saw this in the Italian countryside near Naples. A man and a woman went to work in the field. He was walking first with a cigarette in his mouth, holding a stick. She went behind him hunched under the heavy sack of tools and food. My Italian colleague explained it this way: Here in the south a man can be idle all day long but he cannot loaf around at night." What to do with this...? We have to forget it and move closer to humanity.

DANA PODRACKÁ: Could we say that your relationship to Zuzanka is Love, which hurts in order to bring love back?

MILAN RÚFUS: It could be described by these words. I will answer with a poem.

And Zuzanka, again

And again, it is here.
It is here again and anew.

Tell me, little girl,
are there words still,
which I have not said?
Are there such words of love,
withheld by your and my
difficult fate?
There are no more such words,
and will not be.
Because only love
can rebel against destiny.

With just its touch,
the bull inside softens.

And unpretty things
Will become pretty.
Translated by Saskia Hudecova



Tak to je láska:

dláto Socharovo.

A kameň, ktorý za život
neriekne ani slovo,

odrazu spieva.


So this is love:

the Sculptor´s chisel.

And stone, which in its whole life
does not utter a single word,

suddenly sings


Så detta är kärlek:

Skulptörens mejsel.

Och stenen, som i sitt hela liv
inte yttrat ett enda ord,

plötsligt sjunger.


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